OVF Board of Directors

President - Shirley Vernale

Vice President - Vacant

Garden Master - Steve Ballantine

Treasurer - John Ibrahim

Membership Secretary - Lisa Broderick

Secretary - R. Rose

Education Chair - Talia Tinari

Independent Project Monitor - Tanya Brokaw

Phase Representatives
I Upper - Dean Cleverdon
I Middle - Karen Pinto
I Lower - Les Hairrell
II Upper - Marie Green
II Lower - Janet Williams
III Upper - Ron Fine
III Lower - Reza Marashi
IV Upper - Steven Reich
IV Lower - Angie Mason

Ocean View Farms, Inc. is a California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation meeting the requirements of Section 23701(d)of the California Revenue and Taxation Code, and Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.

OVF's Board of Directors is composed of 16 unpaid garden members in good standing who volunteer to manage and maintain the business affairs of Ocean View Farms. Each Board member is elected to a two-year term, with one half of the members being elected in one year and the other half in the following year.

Board meetings are open to all garden members and are held on the third Saturday of each odd numbered month.

The OVF By-laws can be found here in PDF format.
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