OVF members are invited to submit their OVF related photos.
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All photos must be related to OVF
Photos must belong to the Garden Member
By submitting photos, you grant OVF the non-exclusive right to display each submitted photo gratis on the OVF website, or other OVF media, in perpetuity
OVF retains the right to approve, deny or edit the information for any photo submitted to the OVF Photo Gallery
All photos must be in the jpg (or jpeg) format
Quality should be standard (i.e. in focus) and must be oriented properly (landscape or portrait)
All photos must be approved by Ocean View Farms before they will be added to a photo album
Tomato-Bration 2013233 viewsBarbara Spencer of Windrose Farm drove down from Paso Robles for the two-day event. (Photo Credit: N.Nyberg)
Sunny Sunflowers59 viewsThis sunflower is called Velvet Queen, with its shades of yellow, orange, and red ringed around a large, glittering black center.
Rain Barrel Installation (June 2015)224 viewsThe top of the barrel is removable. (Photo Credit: Dean Cleverdon (2015))
Lepioda118 viewsLepioda. Dec 9, 2018. Lepiota is a genus of gilled mushrooms in the family Agaricaceae. All Lepiota species are ground-dwelling saprotroph (Photo Credit: D Feinstein. Past Presiden L.A. Mycological Soc. P III A48.)
Mystery at this time106 viewsThis morning 7am. 10-7-18. White. Gills decurrent. Stalk thin. Too fragile now.
Will remove for I.D. in a few days - if still around (Photo Credit: Don Feinstein Phase III A48)
Phase IV Fence273 viewsFence & Sunflower (Photo Credit: D.Cleverdon 06-14-2014)
Compost Temperature513 viewsIt is important that the compost temperature heats up to between 140°-160° Fahrenheit in order to kill weed seeds and pathogenic organisms.
Phase IV Fence225 viewsThe fence was installed along the path running next to the Native Plants garden. (Photo Credit: F.Harris 05-14-2014)